Winterized ’15
Well we winterized our boat in preparation for winter 2015! This was sort of a big deal considering we haven’t moved our boat since we splashed her earlier this year in May! We’ve been working on some projects since then that has rendered her immobile. Batteries have been replaced, solar panels have been added, fuel tank has been removed and replaced, oil change completed, and finally got our pedestal steering back on track after it got out of whack from the haulout.
When she was on the hard Erik disassembled the steering quadrant to remove rudder and replace hardware. When we splashed her, the cables were haphazardly put back, and we steered it to the mooring ball. Once safely there Erik tried fixing it, turned the wheel hard, and the chain popped off the sprocket. Drats. That’s how it always goes right? Try to fix something with good intentions but end up just breaking things.

you can see the chain slipped off the sprocket
It didn’t seem like too hard of a fix, there were some bolts we could unscrew to get in there to fix it annnnnnnnd the screws are stuck. Of course. Why would you put flat head screws there instead of a hex head bolt? I’ll never understand the choices boatbuilders make… Anyway we pondered this perplexing situation for a long time. One day after reading the literature Edson has on its website, it clicked and just removing the compass allowed us to put the chain back on the sprocket. Oh it’s the little things! Our steering is back in tip top shape, we learned a few things along the way (like don’t turn the wheel past resistance), and found our backup steering assembly as well!
So once our steering was good, our batteries were charged, our oil was replaced, and our fuel was full it was time to get the old lady moving! Sheesh we’ve done a lot of work this season, I’m ready for some more cruising time! We rode around and took in the glorious feeling of freedom. We pulled up to the docks and did our pump out on the holding tank – GAG! But Erik is truly a skilled captain, he just glided right on in, and right on out like a whiz. And glided right next to our mooring ball, and I caught it! We had a great day out on the water and it felt so good.
So the holding tank is empty, our water tanks are empty, our drains and lines have antifreeze in them, we drained the raw water intake, drained the water coolant thing a ma jigger on the engine, and drained all the hoses. Bring it on winter! Hopefully this will be the last winter we need to winterize!
So about those batteries… Erik replaced our 2 old 12v marine batteries with 6 6v GC batteries. Two 6v batteries = One 12v battery. Since we have extra battery power we needed a larger platform for them. We also needed a way to protect them, and protect us and the boat. So we made this great amazing battery box! We extended our platform, the shape of the hull made it a little tricky. And we have added sides and a lid. We got good plywood from home depot and used polyurethane resin and fiberglass to wrap each piece to make it impervious to water. We then used strips of cloth to seam in into the hull to make it completely leak proof in case the batteries ever leaked acid.
Take measurements, measure again, cut wood. Saturate with poly resin, wrap with fiberglass matt. Sand to smooth.
Base and side seamed in!
Erik was very hot in his mancave but I wouldn’t let him out until he was done.
Anyways this battery box has been a long time in the making, and I am glad we spent time to think out the best plan for us. Erik has just finished it up and put the last coat of paint on it today, I will post pictures when I behold it myself! I am in Louisiana supporting my mother as she fights the hardest battle of her life! She has completed 4 rounds of chemotherapy, and we just returned from MD Anderson in Houston where we got some fantastic news! In her first PET scan the main tumor was 12mm and she had some small satellite sites that lit up. Well on her second scan we found the tumor has shrunk to 8mm! The tumor is no longer metabolically active! And the satellite sites are resolved! This is all really wonderful news as the chemo is doing its job, now we will feel out what the next steps will be. The unknown is scary, but we are taking things day by day. She is so strong and brave!
We did a little more exploring here in East TN. The falls below are Turtletown Falls, and lower Turtletown Falls. It was a great hike and exceptional scenery. Enjoy!
Hi CJ and Erik thanks for the latest post and glad Beth had a great report. I assume you are staying in Knoxville for the winter please Email your address when you get the time. Love you, Dad