Sunday Sunday Sunday

    Sunday was a Funday full of many tasks.  We spent the night on the boat because Saturday night we had a night on the town! Finally! We went to see Portugal The Man and it was a wonderful show, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and had wonderful company.      ...


Brightening the Brightwork

  Well we’ve been spending a good amount of time on ol’ Gnar Girl now that the weather is finally warming up.  It has been just lovely.  It usually plays out that we spend time on the boat doing a project that has been researched thoroughly (Erik’s so good at...


The Month of Many Changes

  Well we have settled nicely into our new home. It’s fabulously spacious and I am loving the yard.  I have started a small garden (planning on planting some veggies soon, this weekend maybe!) and the animals love it as well. Sidenote: Should I shave Bryson? [polldaddy poll=7980253]    ...



Well here I sit in a midst of chaos anticipating our move! Yesterday the previous tenants moved the last of their stuff out so we got to go over and inspect it and start cleaning.  I took a carload with me to unload over there and wanted to just really...