The times they are a’changing

Yep, that’s right. It is the Monday after the time change. We sprung forward, lost an hour of sleep, but gained an hour of daylight in the evenings! I love long days and the spring weather, it’s good for the soul! Another change here in the near future is our...


Spring in the air

So things are trucking right along.  It’s hard to realize that this is going to be something that happens overnight.  As much as I wish we could be done and leave tomorow (especially after days like I had today!) in all reality this is going to be something that takes...


Snow Flurries

Hello Folks! As I sit here and start the next update of this weird blog I started, it is SNOWING! Hopefully it’ll be a good snow.  I’ve decided that not only do I want this blog to be about sailing and all the victories/losses that I am sure will accompany...


Where Am I Now?

Well… where am I now? I am living in the small town of Sweetwater TN.  It is itty bitty, located in East TN, close proximity to the mountains (really close to the Cherokee Nat’l Forest) which I LOVE about it.  I moved here in September to live with my wonderful...